Thursday 28 May 2020

random update

So it looks like my last post didn't publish properly. I tried using the mobile app however it doesn't seem to sync up properly. As annoying as it is I don't want to repeat myself just in case it has been seen.

With lockdown there hasn't been much to report other than the same general pottering that you see day in and day out. The endless chores and cleaning, finally getting round to the jobs that have put off and avoided for who knows how long. 

Right now my partner is out fishing, sitting by a lake/pond enjoying the weather doing what he loves. And i have the company of our adorable cat, Sadie with Netflix on and my favourite program on as I'm writing. Well I'm trying to enjoy it over the sounds of builders working downstairs aha, only now have they started drilling. 

My mum has been doing some work in the garden, tidying and sprucing it up, painting near enough everything, the garden table, the summer house and the garden gate. She also made a pentagram dream catcher that she is pretty proud of, and with good reason too. 

I don't want to bore you with all the mundane activities that I know everyone is doing, i just wish to say that I hope you are all well, and that all of us behind Elentya are doing well too, and we are excited to announce that we will be opening our doors again in June, we are still operating online though for anyone interested.

website link:

Thursday 23 April 2020


Hello, so we have a new addition to our growing range of animals. A little marine nano fish tank. I have had fish for many years and so has my partner, and we have kept marines before but he wanted a new tank in our apartment. so he got permission and this is what we did. 

First we had to buy a tank. My partner found this tank second hand for £60, it came with  almost everything we need, all we needed to get was some rock and salt water. This is the tank, modelled by our fluff ball cat Sadie. Its a 30 litre tank.

After this we went out an bought a bunch of rock to give it a natural look. Sadie wanted to help too, she has been very fascinated by the whole process.

This is what we created with the rock after hours of modelling and remodelling and a lot off stress, and of course we have added sand and the salt water too.

Yesterday we got our first tank mates, meet our pair of clown fish. This type of clown fish will eventually end up black and white, they are only young, and the orange face will turn black as they got older.

So far our cat is loving the new addition and been watching them through the glass. thankfully she hasn't gone fishing as of yet. I just wanted to share this little project with you all. Bye for now.

Friday 17 April 2020

seashell hangings

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well today.

I wanted to show off something we have been working on, another crafty project, but what else is their to do in times like this. Boredom sets in and so do the creative ideas, as you can tell by the title, we have been making shell hangings. Everything has been sourced locally and collected over the years by ourselves. 

We have a jar full of shells, glass, dried seaweed small stones etc. that we have collected and created a sea jar with, we then emptied the jar all over our garden table and pulled out the most sturdy shells we could find.

We drilled holes through the shells and driftwood, or to be specific, my dad did, he also taught me how to tie a fishing knot to keep things secure and stop things falling off. I am by no means a fisherman (or woman I guess) I leave that to my dad and my partner. 
We also used my dads fishing wire, the only thing we haven't found on the beach, thankfully. 

These have been really fun to make and I haven't made anything like these before, and we plan to make more, this isn't the best picture but here is a picture of the finished thing, This is my first one, we have plans for a big one in our garden. I will post a picture of that when its done.

I have decided to add a bonus picture of our gorgeous cheeky dog who loves our neighbour more than he loves us. (She gives him fish skins) this is him trying to figure out how to hop over the fence. I will leave you with this picture and I will see you next time. Bye for now.

Monday 13 April 2020

Making the Most of Things

Hello, and welcome back.

Well, we all know whats going on at the moment and what the world has come too. Mother nature seems to be happy, gifting us with glorious weather as she heals. We have been making the most of it in the garden working hard on plans for our shop. We have ideas in the making for seasonal and sabat based boxes, if you would be interested in these then please let us know. Of course we will be starting off small with seasonal ones and our summer box should be ready for this year, fingers crossed, but more on these closer to the time. We are also working on improving our social media content and to make things interesting. 

The past few days we have cleaned out our little pond, and checked on our koi, all is looking well, and healthy. We lost a couple over the winter sadly, but most of our fish are happy and healthy. And my word did it need cleaning, The state of that filter was like nothing I'd ever seen, poop poop and more poop, as well as endless algae. After a few hours of scrubbing and a good water change its looking like new again. You can now see right the way to the bottom too!

Yesterday we made some chocolate bark. I will post the recipe another time but this is our Easter special version decorated with tiny mini eggs, Haribos, lemon sherbet and of course sprinkles. As always the best bit is scraping out the bowl with the melted chocolate in it, that will never change. This is the final result after breaking it up.

We are trying to make the most of glorious weather where possible, its too good to waste and with no rain forecast for days it even better. I know this quarantine is driving people round the bend and up the walls, but there are ways to make the most of it. This might be a rare opinion but I am enjoying the time off and getting to enjoy the sunshine. we are still packing online orders, but you have to have some fun to. Well this is what we have been up to recently. How have you spent your bank holiday weekend? Bye for now.

Thursday 9 April 2020

Our Little Shop

Hello, welcome back, so I wanted to explain a little more about our shop today. Now that you have met myself and my mum, I should probably explain what it is that we do, and what we are trying to achieve with this blog. 

I should probably start at the beginning. We opened Elentya because we weren't having much look with other jobs, but it has also been a dream of my mums to have her own business. We love all things alternative and spiritual and that's what started the ball rolling, I won't go into too much detail for those that have read my previous post, I don't want to come across boring. We noticed a gap in the local market for people who are into alternative things, they have to travel or shop online to find things or get supplies, which I have to do myself, so we wanted to make things more easily accessible and fill that gap. so we just went for it. 

So what do we sell, well just about everything you can think off aha, everything from skulls and black candles that drip red. We are one of 4 retailers in Lancashire that stock spiral clothing, they are awesome by the way I have worn their clothes for years and bought their travel mugs. We don't currently have the clothes on the website yet, but I'm  working on that. But I do highly recommend them if you like something funky and different, they do women's, men's and kid's too. As well as this we have ranges of dragons from cute and colourful to LED light up features. On the other side of the scale there are colourful and pretty fairies and angles of all different kinds.

For those who love aromatherapy and relaxing we have a huge range of incense sticks from Stamford, Elements, Lisa Parker, Anne Stokes, and more, we also have a range of backflow cones from Stamford. To go with these we have a wide range of holders from plain trays and carved boxes, to backflows that look like rivers and waterfalls. or smoking dragons for those who like something different.

On the Spiritual side we have a range of essential and fragrance oils with ornate and simple oil burners. We also have a huge selection of tumble stones (these are also in process of going on the website, sorry) and special crystal pouches. We have coloured spell candle packs and cauldrons, as well as dream catchers and sun catchers too.

So that's a bit about what we sell, but what about our blog, as i said in my last post this isn't all about selling, it's about learning as a community and about new and different things, that is what we want to do, I want to learn and help teach others, whether it is about different types of healing, or different crystals and subcultures, the meanings of herbs and flowers. That is what this is all about. Yes we have a shop, but to my this page is about community and learning, and helping those who are new to their journey, we all have to start somewhere and I would Like this page to be a place where people can come to learn and chat and share their opinions. If you've read this far then please leave a comment with suggestions, I am still new to this, and i am open to suggestions, I hope I haven't board you to sleep. Bye for now. 

Sunday 5 April 2020

Who is Elentya?

Hello, welcome to our brand new blog, this is my first time doing anything like this, so bare with me, it may take me a while to get this right. So for our very first posting I wanted to talk about our name, it raises a lot of questions. Where did it come from? what does it mean? etc. So today I want to tell you about how it came around, and a little more about us I guess.

So I got the name from a book I read a few years ago. Those of you who enjoy YA fantasy books may recognise it, but it's a big world and I may be pushing my look with that one. Anyway the book is Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. One of my favourite authors and book series. This isn't a book review but I do highly recommend it. Anyway back to the name, the name was given as a nickname to the main character by a dear friend of hers. The name Elentya, it was a name of strength and bravery, given to her as she could overcome the greatest of challenges and keep fighting her battle. It means overcoming great difficulty and a character of great strength and passion. Over time we toyed with other names and ideas, but none seemed to fit quite so well. 

Elentya is a spiritual shop based on the north west coast on England. We are a family business a mum and daughter duo. Partners in crime if you like, as long as that crime is spreading positivity and helping others. We love all things goth and steampunk as well as dragons, fairies, incense, backflows and even witchy supplies. Over time, if you stay with us we hope you will learn and grow with us as we explore every aspect of these different things. We have so many ideas we want to share.

Below is a picture of my mum and myself. I will start by introducing myself. Hi, my name is Laura, and I'm 20. My spiritual journey started a few years ago when I developed an interest in crystals, incense and dragons. I have a mystical shelf that I fill with statues of dragons, wolves, fairies etc. When I'm not collecting I can often be found with my nose in a book, if you haven't guessed I am a bookworm, and love getting lost in other worlds when this one gets a little too much. I have had one job before starting out on this journey with my mum. I studied animal management at college and got a job straight after I finished in an aquatic shop working with fish. I stayed there for 1 year, I ended up being badly bullied by my boss and it got to the point where my only option was to leave and start afresh. I love what I do now and it feels like a dream come true, doing what I love every day. Though I still love my animals and have an array of pets with my partner, hes just as animal mad. Maybe I will introduce you to our companions at some point if people are interested.

My mum's name is Carol, she is a true lady and will not reveal her age, though I will say she's a young mum at heart and she certainly doesn't look her age, but that is all I'm allowed to say. My mum has worked many jobs in the past from bars and nightclubs, to catering and classroom assistant, civil service, and even exam invigilating. Over time she has developed arthritis in her knees and shoulder which has made working a challenge, not many jobs will allow for the breaks and movement that she needs to help keep things strong and mobile. Because of this she decided to become her own boss, and mine for that matter. We might be partners but she is still my mum after all. My mum was raised as a christian and was a big part of her church, however over the years she has drifted away from it, a few years ago we started going to our local spiritualist church and she is in the process of officially changing her religion, this has been a very big challenge for her and has been very thought provoking. My mum is amazing in the kitchen and her cooking is exceptional, she is a kitchen witch in the making that's for sure. Her other love is her garden and flowers, never mind the array of house plants and cacti in every room. Yes including the bathroom too.

So this is us, I hope this gives you an insight into who we are, but as time goes on i'm sure you will get to know us pretty well. In the next post I think I will introduce you a bit more to our shop and the kind of things that we do, and hopefully you will find it interesting. We are always learning, and want to share all the different things we come across, this isn't a selling page though we would like for you to check out our online page I will leave a link at the bottom that you can copy and paste into google. Thank you for reading and please leave a comment on the things you would like us to talk about or any questions you would like to ask. I plan to do a Q&A type post soon so please leave questions, make them as interesting as you can and I will pick out a few in a week or so, I don't know how long it will take for people to find us. hopefully not too long, anyway I will see you next time, bye for now.

Me (right) and my mum (left)

website link: